Got2b Salt Spray

I have been looking for a salt spray for a pretty long time.One day I talked about that with my friend Kätu and she told she has one, that she doesn't use anymore and would I like to have it.I said yes.

I have been using it couple of times and I am actually loving it.
For a long time I actually didn't get the point of the salt spray.Like I spray it what does it?It should give you like a beach waves/beach look, it does give you the texture and it for sure adds volume to your own hair.
I love to use it when I wash my hair in the morning and before my hair are completely dry I spray quite a lot of that to my hair, massage it a little and the blow dry my hair completely.I love how much volume it gives to your hair.
And why I love using it actually only when I wash my hair in the morning is that it makes your hair amazing and it does stay with you most of the time.For example yesterday morning I sprayed it to my hair and it stayed with me most of my day, I mean I was busy for 8 hours.I brushed sometimes but the volume and good look stayed with me the whole time.

The price is pretty good for a salt spray so I would actually recommend it.It's a great start :)
