My 10 favourite things

I saw Danielle's video, what was so touching and simple. So I decided to write down my 10 favourite things...

Friends- These are those people who I've found and let around myself. Who have been with me through my mood swings but also these time when I am in a very giggly mood. They are my rocks. I know that I have them no matter what, I can be who I am around them and I wouldn't imagine my life without them, their support is incredible.

MusicIt's something that I couldn't imagine my life without...I have to listen to music every day, it comforts me. I think it does very good job of describing my feelings and making me want to dance. It's something that I always look for whether I am happy or sad. Some songs can make so feel so powerful that there is nothing else what could do that.

Writing- I used to be a very creative person. I have been loving writing for about 5 years...I find it so relaxing and such a great way to express myself. If I feel down and don't know what to do, I pick up a pen or my phone and try to write...It always helps. I can get all my thoughts written down, like my fingers are doing it themselves. I also love sharing my life. Writing makes my head clear and my mind fresh.

Tea/Coffee- Key to my heart is fresh cup of coffee or tea no matter what time. I find it such a big comfort. When I have that hot cup in my hands, I feel relaxed, I feel me. I love drinking hot beverages and it's my quilty pleasure. After a long day there is nothing better than hot cup of tee...there is nothing better to wake up to coffee smell...Usually there is no way I am starting my day without hot beverage...It's something that makes me take my time off.

Exploring- I love going out and exploring new things and places. I love walking and that's because you can see so much more when you are in the evinoremnt, you notice the details. I love going to places I've never been before and finding new favorite places and discovering the world. I love the idea of going to one place for just a day and just walk and explore. It's my time off and it makes me notice simple things around me and focus on these little things in life.

Reading- It's been with me, for so long...Probably before the first grade even. People have always known me for reading. I used to cancel plans with people, because I wanted to read, haha. But really I love living other people's lives, thinking about their life, cheering for them. I think it's so fun to live other people lives sometimes, like you can get away from your own.

Excersing- Something new...but I've recently realized that I've been excersising for quite a long time..but with breaks...I did athletics...I quit, but I did love it. I've been loving running. Well, I walk most of the time anyway. And recently other excersing too...I find it the time of the day of myself..I can get all my anger out, push myself and nobody regrets the feeling after the workout..

Cooking- Few years ago I discovered it...making food, cooking,'s fun! It helped me get over the hardest times...Now every time I feel stressed, I think about making something...And if make something for a long time, I always remember how much I love the feeling. It's something that it's very hard to explain to someone else...but it''s something that when I do it, I don't think about anything else...I am in the receipt, I follow it, sometimes change it but I feel free, creative and after I have finished I feel proud of my masterpiece. It's my key to happiness.

Me Time- I've always preshiated it. I've been bad at doing it...but it's something that I really love...and for that it can be small face mask, treating myself in the shower, reading, Like it's that time where I want to make myself feel good...I want to treat myself. And I think it's something we all need to do more often.

Him- He is new. But he is my favorite. It sounds cheesy I know. I really do. But when you suddenly find someone, who is fun and caring and lovely...and when you discover your roads are growing's amazing. It's amazing to have someone next to you, who cares about you, who you can trust and tell him everything...I think it's amazing feeling to have someone in your life who pretty much always gives you the reasons to smile in life.

What are your 10 favorite things? Just think about a little...focus on yourself.
