Say NO to others and YES to yourself

I am a person who puts other people's and their needs before myself. If someone needs help with school then, okay let's do it and after that I can do my own things..most of the time it means, that I get less night sleep or I actually won't have time to do my own things. And this all tires me and it takes my moods and energy and everything.

What if someone is sad? I am going to run there and try to understand what happened and then I take to mission to make this person happy. I always listen to their worrys and usually I don't think how I feel about that or how my emotions are spinning. I am ready to run anywhere when there is a big trouble ja not to think can I actually do it or, do I even want it.

Super great example is school. If I am being honest this has decreased, but if someone needs help I will help them no matter what it takes. So many nights I went to sleep like 2 am beacuse of that and 6 am I woke up...But if they ask help, you have to help them! But do you actually?

The answer is no.

We all deserve the time for ourselves. We shouldn't fake our happiness, feelings or our personalitys. We should show who we actually are. But we and I do it because we are afraid of other people's opinion and that's why I usually do anything for people..

What I've done is...I choose people who I help. Most people from my class I won't help, because I know I get nothing from it and all it takes is my energy. If I have prepared and done something, then I can show them, but do it for them, No. Of course I still help my very close friends, but there are like...2 of them? The same is with problems...if I see people sad, I won't run so much to them...Because sometimes you can see person is sad, but you are so happy...there is no point to ask what's wrong because it takes your happiness down. If you are happy at the moment, enjoy it, because you never get that moment back, biut you can ask that person later and if that person really will come to you.

Because you deserve happiness as well.

You have to stop thinking that people will stop liking you. People judge us anyway, that is the truth. And if this is person is your real friend then nop, it will never happen. This is life. You have the ability to say no and people who would insuly't you, it's time to say goodbye to them.

You feel proud that you can be such a great person, even though it tires you a lot but it kinda gives you a purpose. You don't know even who you would be without it. The truth? If you find balance with yourself and others, it's so much rewarding.

You feel responsible for others. The reality is they are responsible for their own lives. People can't think of you as their only opinion to stay alive. You need to have control over your life and you can't control every moment of their life.

“If ‘putting yourself first’ (a common admonition) sounds too selfish or too hard, try something simpler: put yourself on an equal footing with those you love and tend to.”

If you start putting yourself first the reality will be more productive, more happier, you have more energy, better relationships, less stress and depression. And don't think that taking care of yourself is selfish.

Idea to make this post, came from here siit.
"Stop trying to rescue everyone else when it’s actually you who needs the rescuing"
