My way to become good again

  • One thing I told myself was to take some time off. Like real time off. Talked with my mum as well and told that I might need break from the school. She looked at me, and she understood me in seconds. So plan is to...take some time off from school, very little social media and pretty much no contact with people, maybe even turn off my phone.
  • Don't make to-do lists. And if you know me, know how much I love a good list. But today when I came home, I saw or thought about many things that I want to do and so, and I was already ready to make a list. But then I started I am not going to do it, because then I don't have the responsibility to do that and if I won't do it then there is no failing feeling, and that right now is important.
  • Get back to my fitness. I have been lacking. And I mean like you don't see it or understand it like that, but I feel like even though I am so tired all the time...moving myself would make it all so much better. Today for example I promised myself or told that maybe I should start trying to run again. I did. Felt amazing, btw.
  • Enjoy the natural beauty of my face.
  • Relax and please get some proper night sleep. You have skipped it for soooo long.
  • Start making real food again. This is a step that I've skipped so long...For over a month, I've been eating when there is time or snacks, but it's time to get back to food making, overall that's the happiness to me. And also bake! Last week there has been like 2 cookies making, and I so want to continue that!
  • Something relaxing in the evenings. I want to feel more relaxed before bed, yesterday I solved a puzzle. There are lots of read a book, the stress colouring book, a puzzle etc.
  • Inspirational quotes, new pictures, plants to my room! I want to freshen it all up.
