December 21-Share your favourite Christmas poem or picture
Don't really have one, but just found one Estonian:
Keset lumist välja
seisab kuusepuu.
Pilve tagant välja
piilub särav kuu.
Kohe jälle hakkab
päkapikul töö.
Lumesadu lakkab
käes on jõuluöö.
December 22-Day in the life as you prepare for the big day
This day I worked out after getting up and then rushed as a maniac to catch my train to the shopping centre. I needed 3 last gifts + cake things. I mostly got it and then I got so panicky and light headed in the shops, because the people there and the masks...ehg. Then walked to a shop to pick up another present. Then it was time for my work party and wasn't the most traditional. But we ordered pizzas, drank some bubble, some hookah, also played some board games, watched some videos. So I mean it wasn't your typical Christmas gather round, but it was really special because I don't know when will I see these people again so, it was really nice and cosy.
December 23-Favourite Christmas story
I was thinking so long and hard for that hahah, and I just don't knowww! I think right now one of my favourite like memories is that I got to know that my sister is engaged (2018 I guess), and because we are so close it made me cry a lot hahha. Yeaa, nothing else really comes to my mind, or any traditional story haha.
December 24 & 25- Christmas Eve & Christmas Day
(also adding my this year's Christmas celebrations 23-25)
I am putting these together because in my home country we celebrate on the 24'st, and the 25'st is like day where nobody does anything and just be with their family.
Because my family is kinda separated, then I spend it quite a few times.
On the 23'rd I was with my sister and her husband. And it was the cosiest and the nicest evening! I had to make something sweet (of course I did, I am the baker in the family hahah) and because we didn't want something reallyyyy festive then I made passion-lemon cupcakes and let me tell you they were amazing! We also made duck and vegetables, drank some cocktails. Then we played another board game and watched "Christmas Chronicles" part I, and it was really good.
On the 24'st we had breakfast together with my sister, then we opened presents and I love gift giving so much, specially as my sister's husband is such a emotion shower and he is just the happiest. Then we just lounged around, visited a little Christmas market and then went to my mum's. I spent the whole night there. I was the barman that night, we made lotssss of food together, duck, pork, potatoes, cabbages and so on. We also opened gifts and this year we just asked questions about the year and the next year. Also it was quite a long night, we talked a lot and it was quite decent. Also hahah mom gifted me some new shoes and then I went to try them on and hahaha, there were two right foot shoes and also different sizes so that was a success :D
The 25'st I went for a run in the morning, we ate together and then I left midday. My dad picked me up and we dropped my things off and then went to his house. So then we spent another Christmas there, we had a huge dinner and real good cake, drank some mulled wine and also watched "Lion king" and later that evening I went home.
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